
born in the former Republic of Czechoslovakia

2000 - 2008
Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg and Palermo

Prof. Diet Sayler
Prof. Claus Bury
Prof. Georg Winter

awarded Master Class Student by Prof. Diet Sayler

selected exhibitions and shows

Terrain, immersive installation at Radialsystem Berlin
Terrain, immersive installation at Sommerszene Salzburg
light installation for Show Your Wound, HOTO Berlin
light and space concept for A Singthing, Kampnagel Hamburg
Pas des Deux, immersive installation at Radialsystem Berlin
video installation for PIXEL SIN FONIE, Schloßfestspiele, Ludwigsburg
light installation for Abschied, Festspielhaus, Hellerau and Radialsystem Berlin
light installation for One Next To Me, ARGE, Salzburg
Was Bewegt die Welt, LesArt, Berlin
light installation for One Next To Me, Uferstudios, Berlin
light and Space Set for End Of The Story, Ballhaus Ost, Berlin and Rotterdamse Shouwbourg
Die Kapelle und das spezifische Gewicht der Zeit, Stiftung Klassik, Weimar
Reality Check: Wild Cube And Ground Control, nGbK, Berlin
Oh Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me, Oechsner Gallery, Nuremberg (S)
On A Clear Day, 4 channel slide projector installation for Milla Koistinen, Uferstudios, Berlin
Light Set for Six Bells, Johannis-Evangelist Kirche, Berlin
Light Set for Sono un fumo, Radialsystem V, Berlin
Space Set for 4 Rooms, Tonhalle Düsseldorf
Showroom, mit Philipp Orschler, Raum für Zweckfreiheit, Berlin (S)
Space Set for Now I Lay Me Down, Haus der Berliner Festspiele, Holland Festival Amsterdam^
Space Set for Kaleidoskopville, Haus der Berliner Festspiele, Rotterdamse Shouwbourg
Das Notwendige und das Mögliche, Oechsner Galerie Nuremberg (G)
Fünfuhr Tee in Kiribati, Kulturbahnhof Kassel (G)
There's More To The Picture Than Meets The Eye, with Philipp Orschler, Christa Burger Galerie, Munich (S)
The Conditions Of A Good Throw., with Philipp Orschler & Mikka Wellner, Sihlquai 55, Zürich (S)
Space Set for Atlas - Inseln der Utopien, Kunstfestspiele Herrenhausen
For Obvious Reasons, Oechsner Galerie Nuremberg (S)
What Reality Might Also Be, RAUM, Düsseldorf (S)
Space Set for Dark Was The Night, Funkhaus Nalepastraße, Berlin
Lafnetscha, Production Film Design, Bolzano
Space Art Award, The New Yorker Hotel, Cologne (G)
Leaving This Planet, Debut Award Show, Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg (S)
Komm auf den Boden, Liebling, Kunsthaus Nuremberg (G)
Space Set for Into The Dark, Funkhaus Nalepastraße Berlin
Locus Solus,, Benaki Museum Athens (G)
Though I’m Moving At The Speed Of Light, I’m Feeling Very Still, with Philipp Orschler, Kunstverein Laichingen (S)
Art Fair Suomi, Helsinki (G)
The Stars Look Very Different Today, Intervention at Kreuzkirche Munich (S)
Looking For Something Non Existing, Kreisgalerie Nuremberg (S)
Bayerischer Kunstförderpreis, Galerie der Künstler Munich (G)

scholarships & grants

Art promotion Prize of the Free State of Bavaria
Debut Award of the Free State of Bavaria
Space Art Award Düsseldorf
Project promotion pbb Foundation Munich
USA-Travel grant of the Free State of Bavaria
reload stipend Kulturstiftung des Bundes